Peterhead - Weather -  Astronomy  

Website covering, weather information and Astronomy cameras in Peterhead Scotland, For Live information please click on the titles which will take you to LIVE information.

RMS Meteor Camera

The meteor camera page contains images from the previous night ,This is a fantastic citizen science project.

The camera points towards the south

This Pi project was put together by

The pi itself uploads any detected meteors to a central server where it is analyzed with other cameras throughout the world.

RMS Live Image

AllSky 7 Meteor Camera Coming soon

RMS Live Image

All Sky Camera

 This was the original Pi project from

This camera provides a 360 degree view of the night sky

Clicking on the header link will take you to a live view, The page also has links to previous time-lapses and other information

Allsky Camera

Peterhead Weather

The banner below shows high-level current information, Clicking on the header link takes you to a more detailed page where historical information can also be found.